Re-live your skydive experience and share with your friends on social media to show how brave you are! If you had video of your tandem skydive then first select the date of your tandem skydive, find your video (it will have your first name on it), then hit play. Videos uploaded before April 10th will be password protected (your surname is the password, all lowercase).
Steven’s jump
Rob’s jump
Meabh’s jump
Lyn’s jump
Jule’s jump
John’s jump
Janine’s jump
Food’s jump
Chantal’s jump
Cassie’s jump
Ashleigh’s jump
Andy’s jump
Alex’s Skydive
Andres’s Skydive
Ashley’s Skydive
Brittney’s Skydive
Brydee’s Skydive
Emma’s Skydive
Georgie’s Skydive
Jill’s Skydive
Jessica’s Skydive
Jonathan’s Skydive
Josh’s Skydive
Kacey’s Skydive
Kahli’s Skydive
Kendra’s Skydive
Levi’s Skydive
Kristy’s Skydive
Louise’s Skydive
Louis’s Skydive
Michael’s Skydive
Shaun’s Skydive
Zoe’s Skydive
Zeno’s Skydive
Mike’s Skydive
Madi’s Skydive
Thaine’s Skydive
Kristy’s Jump
Ken’s Jump
Jackson’s Jump