We have a new world-first AFF program which makes learning to skydive, safer, faster, easier and cheaper! At Skydive Jurien Bay, we’re 100% confident that we provide our students with Western Australia’s very best environment, support, team, instruction, and experience there is when it comes to skydiving and learning to skydive. Here’s why…
That’s right, when it comes to crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s we’ve nailed it. We’re the only dropzone in the world to offer our students an Online Learn Course to assist with the theoretical training of our students. This gives each student the opportunity to watch interactive videos and learn about the sport of skydiving prior to doing their first jump. The benefit of this is that our students arrive to the dropzone already informed, there is less information overload, and the important information sinks in better: safer and better students.
Further to this, we’ve modified our AFF course to now include 20 minutes of wind tunnel flying at iFLY Perth. This is the equivalent of 20 skydives worth of freefall time and will ensure you can remain stable and on-heading before you even get into the real freefall experience. This makes it unlikely you will need to repeat stages (a costly exercise) of your skydive course because you haven’t met the objectives of a Stage.
One thing we’ve never compromised on is the safety of our students. It’s for this reason that we only use the very latest BOC skydiving containers, new parachutes, and automatic activation devices (AAD). Believe it or not, some skydive schools still put their students in old ‘rip cord’ type containers from the 1980s! No thanks.
With an immaculate safety record, highly qualified instructors, very personalised tuition, accommodation included, amazing coastal views, modern equipment, and an awesome family vibe, there really is no better place to learn to skydive in Perth, WA. In fact, a lot of our staff learnt to skydive with us and we’ve also had some students going on to represent Australia at world skydiving championships.
Unlike other dropzones which sometimes have as many as 15 students doing the AFF course at one time, we keep our student numbers below 5 per course. This ensures that each student gets the personalised training and tuition required to feel confident to take to the skies for their solo skydives.
We’re proud of our skydiver culture here at Skydive Jurien Bay. Everyone goes out of their way to help students throughout their learn to skydive journey. Our instructors, regular sports skydivers and staff are always willing to answer any questions, share stories, and make our students feel welcome. We look forward to welcoming you to our “skydiving family”
Want to get serious about skydiving as a sport? Want to jump with the pros? Even once our students have completed their AFF course with us, we will provide advice and training required to progress each student’s skills and experience to ensure they continue to learn new things and achieve their goals. Whether a student wants to learn to freefly, fly a wingsuit, or become a canopy pilot guru, we will provide the mentorship and guidance required to achieve their goals.
At only $2570 for the AFF Course, or $3255 for the AFF Course PLUS jumps required to get your A-License, you won’t find a better value AFF course in Western Australia.
You’ve seen the view of Jurien Bay from the air right? It’s AMAZING. Why jump over a paddock when you can jump over the amazing Indian Ocean and Turquiose Coast.
We’ve got a fully setup skydiver shack next to our office with all the necessary commodities to make it feel like home. And it’s free for all our students.
No matter what your availability or work roster is, when you’re free, you can jump!
Call 08 9652 1320 or contact us via the form on our Learn To Skydive page.
New AFF Course to learn to skydive *includes 20minutes tunnel flying at iFLY Perth from Skydive Jurien Bay on Vimeo.