You'll fall 1000 feet every 6.5 seconds!


how long does it take to skydive from 14000 feet?

Short answer: 60 seconds. Have you ever sat in front of a microwave for 60 seconds? Seems like a lifetime right?

When you tandem skydive you’ll be falling at speeds of around 220km/h! It’s fast and adrenalin fuelled.

But first, no matter what height you skydive from you’ll have to sit in a plane as it climbs to your jump altitude. Depending on where you skydive it can be a very scenic flight (like in Jurien Bay) and is kind of like the calm before the storm. You’ll go through a wave of emotions as you get closer and closer to your jump altitude. If you’re jumping from 14000 feet then this plane ride will last around 20 minutes.

Now it’s time to jump. When you first exit the aircraft your airspeed quickly builds up until you reach terminal velocity. Terminal velocity can be defined as “the constant speed that a freely falling object eventually reaches when the resistance of the medium through which it is falling prevents further acceleration.”

Once falling at terminal velocity you will be covering a distance of approximately 1000 feet every 6.5 seconds.

Your tandem instructor will deploy the parachute at 5000 feet, meaning on a 14000 feet tandem skydive you’ll have around 60 seconds of adrenalin fuelled freefall. It’s only a minute but it will feel like a lifetime.

After the freefall you have around 5 minutes under the parachute where you can take your goggles off, take in the amazing views and even get to control the parachute.

At Skydive Jurien Bay you can choose to skydive from 8,000ft (20 seconds freefall), 10,000ft (40 seconds freefall) or 14,000ft (We recommend this. It’s 60 seconds freefall).

For prices and more info click here. Or Book online now!